Fashion Design Lab Magazine
june 2010 | nº 02
  Giorgione at Palazzo Grimani
Venice, 29th August – 10th October 2010
Roberto Cantini

After the long and utmost restoration of the Palace, for the first exhibition the Supervisor for the Museums and State Galleries of Venice Vittorio Sgarbi has chosen Giorgione with three well-known works of the great venetian artist.

This is the main tribute of the city to Giorgione. These three famous works are: «The old woman» (1506), «The nude» (1508) and overall his well-known masterpiece «The Tempest» (1507-08). They are on exhibition for more than one month in this spectacular and charming palaces of Venice, that is the Palazzo Grimani at S.Maria Formosa, just a few steps from Piazza S.Marco.

The palace has been purchased by the Italian State in 1981, it is an unique building in Venice for its history and architecture. From now on the palace is open to the public every day, in fact in the next future we will admire some important exhibitions with the works by Hieronimus Bosch and also by Canaletto.

Therefore this is another important opportunity for the city of Venice to open the doors of a charming place in which visitors can see and admire the structure of the palace and also the different exhibitions that will be organised therein.


Giorgione, The Tempest, 1507-08 | Venezia, Gallerie Giorgione, The nude, 1508 | Gallerie dell'Accademia Giorgione, The old woman, 1506 | Venice, Gallerie dell'Accademia
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